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Sydamerikanske Mesterskaber i Orientering

| Administrator | Nyheder 2004

Selv vendt hjem efter en spændende tur til Brasilien, hvor det blev til løbeture på Cobacabana, men uden skyggen af en o-skærm kommer denne indbydelse. Måske det var en overvejelse værd som alternativ til strandpromenaden.

Dear friends in Orienteering:
I would like to call your atention to visit the web pago of Orienteering in Uruguay.
There is a link calles "activities" in which you can see the Calendar 2004 of Uruguayan Orienteering Federation in ENGLISH.
The main competition is the SOUTH AMERICAN ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIP, it will be in december (is the last event of the year), organized in the
Uruguayan-Brazilian border by two clubs (one from Uruguay and the other from Brazil)
I invite you to know the "new and unexplored world of orienteering" in South América, at the begining of South American summer and enjoy tourist and shopping in Uruguay.

Tourist information: (in English)

In latest messages we will issue a bulletin with information about the arrival to the Event Centre the program to your arrival, transport, hotel,

Best regards
Milton Orrego
(Secretary General of Uruguayan Orienteering Federation)