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The Danish Orienteering Federation is a democratically structured association of 72 clubs with an approximate total of 7,000 active members. DOF is a member of The Sports Federation of Denmark.

Nationally DOF is a member of the Danish Outdoor Council, and internationally DOF is a member of the International Orienteering Federation. On the elite level DOF has earned the predicate as a World Class Federation through winning no less than 20 World Championships medals since 2014. The predicate World Class Federation is a title bestowed upon federations by Team Danmark, and is the highest achievement a federation can get, and DOF is the only non-Olympic sport with the title.

Most of the information on this website is, naturally, in Danish. Some of it may be of interest for non-Danish speaking orienteers. Here you can find a short list of the most interesting sites. The links all go to Danish subpages, but hopefully you can extract the needed information.

Idrættens Hus, Brøndby Stadion 20, 2605 Brøndby
Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den., (+45) 4326 2740 

All orienteering events in Denmark are open to all participants and can be entered through the registration service O-service or one can participate on an 'open course' (åben bane) by showing up at the arena on the day of the event. Possible exceptions are Danish Championships (marked 'DM'). The service O-service is partly avaliable in English - just press the British flag in the top right corner.

Visit O-service in english here: O-service - online registration


Find your 
”Find your way in Denmark” is a simplified version of orienteering – print a map and try orienteering for free, and go find controls 24/7 in a forest, park og town near you. In Danish it is called 'Find Vej i Danmark' and it is free for all to register.

Visit 'Find Vej i Danmark' here: Find Vej i Danmark