Fra Goran Nagy - vistnok ungarer - har jeg modtaget dette:
Fra Goran Nagy - vistnok ungarer - har jeg modtaget dette:
I am webmaster of just created home page devoted to orienteering. This site has not yet started with operation, the pages are currently in the test phase. You can look at them at:
OrienteeringOnline will be in english language, and will be updated regulary. Besides orienteering news, people will be able to read interviews, find data about software and technology in orienteering, there will be photo of the day, and much more.. some things will be added along the way.
One of my major goals is to upadte it regulary (daily?), because there is not even one (that I know about) orienteering page that is updated regulary, and I think one is needed. n3sport used to updated their pages regulary, but not any more. So, my biggest problem will be where to get fresh content.
I think, there is one big hole in the coverage of orienteering on internet, and I think something has to be done. I am willing to spend a lot of my time, but this project can not suceed without help of other people like you.
If you know anyone else who can help me, please forward this email to them.
Goran Nagy