Støt det Ukrainske Orienterings Forbund
I et brev til en bred vifte af nationale orienterings forbund og organisationer i orientering, skriver direktøren for det Ukrainske Orienterings Forbund, Dmytro Petrochuk, og beder om støtte.
Han skriver følgende (DOFs oversættelse):
“Jeg beder alle, der kan hjælpe det Ukrainske Orienterings Forbund, om at yde velgørende støtte. Midlerne vil blive brugt til at hjælpe ofrene for krigen og deres familier, de familier der er blevet hjemløse og de klubber der står uden et sted at træne osv. Tak for jeres hjælp!”
Oplysningerne er tjekket, og har man mulighed for at hjælpe, kan man overføre et beløb via følgende oplysninger:
Beneficiary: Ukraine Orienteering Federation
Beneficiary address: 01601, str. Esplanadna 42, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Bank of beneficiary: The state export-import bank of Ukraine, Lutsk branch
43025, Ukraine, Lutsk, B. Khmelnytskogo str. 5.
Account number: UA243223130000026003000050708
Correspondent banks for payments in EUR
- Deutsche Bank AG
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- UniCredit Bank AG,
Munich, Germany
- Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Vienna, Austria
Dmytro Petrochuk beretter også om det første offer for krigen fra det ukrainske orienteringsmiljø, træner Oleksandr Kulyk, og vi kondolerer fra forbundets side, og håber ligesom Dmytro, at det bliver første og sidste offer.
Her bringer vi brevet fra det Ukrainske Orienterings Forbunds direktør, sat ind i sin originale formulering (på engelsk):
Dear orienteering friends!
Sorry for my late letters, but during the day I am defending my family, my city, my country. I am sad to announce that there are the first losses among Ukrainian orienteers. Honored coach of Ukraine Oleksandr Kulyk died defending his hometown. This is the first victim of our O-community of Russian-Belarusian occupiers, I hope it will be the last.
The Ukrainian Orienteering Federation sincerely thanks everyone for their words of support, understanding and solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Believe me, we will fight to the end, we will defend our borders, the borders of Europe, the borders of the whole civilized world!
Many people from different countries turn to us for help. Thank you again for your not indifferenceand humanity.
I ask everyone who can help the members of the Ukrainian Sports Orienteering Federation to do charitable help. The funds that will go to our account will be used for the needs of the victims of the war for the families of the victims, the families who were left homeless, the clubs that were left without a place to train and other needs.
Thank you for the help!
Victory is behind us, because the truth is behind us and God is with us!
Best Regards,
Phone/Telegram/Viber: +3 8(050) 516 92 20
Læs også det første brev fra det Ukrainske Orienterings Forbund, der kom ud 24/2 her.