IOF-Headlines 2000/7
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Fra IOF er netop ankommet denne mail, der også berører kongresbeslutningen om SPRINT-VM.
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IOF HEADLINES ISSUE NO. 2000/7 - 10 August
The XX IOF Congress and General Assembly was held at Leibnitz, Austria, on
31 July - 5 August 2000.
41 member countries from five continents participated in the Congress week
activities and attended the 20th IOF General Assembly held on 4 August. Sue
Harvey (GBR) was re-elected President of the IOF.
The General Assembly approved Council's strategy paper 'IOF Elite Events - a
concept for development', decided to introduce a World Championship in
sprint orienteering and agreed on the criteria for introduction of a World
Championship in Trail Orienteering.
The General Assembly also endorsed the proposed amendments to the IOF
Statutes, one of the most important being the clause referring unresolved
sports related disputes to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne,
Japan was appointed organiser of the World Orienteering Championships in
2005, and Australia will be the host country of the World Mountain Bike
Orienteering Championships in 2004. The General Assembly delegated to
Council to appoint the organiser of the World Ski Orienteering Championships
in 2004.
The next IOF Congress and General Assembly will be held in France in 2002.
After a lengthy and lively discussion the delegates of the 41 IOF member
federations represented at the General Assembly decided to introduce a World
Championship in sprint orienteering. The championship shall be held every
second year and, if technically possibly, it may start already in 2001.
The further details were left to be worked out within the IOF. At its
meeting held the day after the General Assembly, Council decided on the
first steps to be taken in order to realise the decision in relation to the
sprint distance. The Finnish Orienteering Federation has been asked to look
into the possibilities of including a sprint race in the programme of the
2001 World Orienteering Championships.
The Swiss organisers of the World Orienteering Championships in 2003 have
already agreed to include the sprint in the programme, and also Japan, the
host nation of the 2005 WOC, has declared its willingness to put on a sprint
Council's strategy proposal "IOF Elite Events - a Concept for Development"
was presented at the IOF Seminar held the day preceding the General
Assembly. On the basis of the seminar discussions, Council slightly amended
its proposal by taking out the WOC programme scenario and the details in
relation to definition of the races. The amended proposal (see below) was
then carried by the General Assembly.
The detailed event concept will be developed during the year to come. In the
elaboration of this proposal, the IOF will consult member federations,
organisers and athletes. The proposal will then be presented to the national
federations at the Presidents' Conference in Finland in August 2001.
IOF Elite Events - a concept for development
1. Purpose
The long term and continuing goal of the IOF is the further spread of
orienteering to more people and in more places. Perhaps the most important
route to achieve this is to make orienteering better known by staging
attractive, high quality world events. The organisation of fair and exciting
world events for the elite is in itself a core purpose of the IOF.
Our Elite Events Programme shall meet a number of objectives, some of which are:
- to provide the best runners in the world an opportunity to meet and
compete for titles and honour
- to attract public and media interest for our sport, and hence the interest
of sponsors and new recruits
- to give member federations a possibility to show to their domestic public
and media the best orienteers in the world, promoting national development
- to give emerging elite runners a possibility to develop their skills in
international competition
2. IOF's mission
· The mission of the IOF is to organise attractive, and exciting world
events in orienteering of high quality for competitors, officials, media,
spectators, sponsors, and external partners.
· The IOF shall cater for the needs of the following categories of competitors;
- Senior elite
- Junior elite
- Masters
· The IOF shall ensure the organisation of a package of world events in each
main discipline (Foot, Ski, MTB, Trail) every year. The size and composition
of the package for each main discipline should be based on the discipline's
level of activity.
· The IOF shall ensure that world events:
- meet the established quality standard
- are made attractive to media
- are organised world wide
· The IOF shall ensure the planning of a package of regional events,
including events for younger runners
3. Base Programme
International exchange and participation in events all over the world should
be encouraged. The IOF and its members need to establish an Elite Events
Programme, which meets the above objectives, but also considers the
limitations, such as:
- amateur status
- federation resources
- geographic location
The basic structure of the Elite Events Programme should be based on:
A. A series of World Events under the auspices of the IOF (World
Championships, World Cups and Multi-sport Games). These events are meant for
the top elite only and require competing on a world wide basis. It is
important for development purposes that the best runners in the world are
given an opportunity to also compete in national events. The number of
competition days in the World Events Programme, therefore, should not
normally exceed 20 days per season (year).
B. A series of Regional Events, being planned by the IOF but carried out in
a co-operation between member federations concerned ( Regional World Class
Events). These events, limited in number, are planned to allow a wider
international participation from member countries. The aim is to establish
continental championships on all continents with orienteering. Regional
World Class Events could be used to qualify for World Events. The Regional
World Class Events shall also cater for juniors, under 23, and masters.
These events should be organised in conjunction with already existing events
and serve the purpose of also giving an opportunity for the next-to-the
best runners to meet in different age classes in an international setting.
A basic programme structure for the different categories of runners could be:
Year 1:
· World Cup
· Regional World Class Events
The World Cup may comprise a mixture of separate WC events and other high
status events (regional championships, world class events)
Year 2:
· World Championships
· Regional World Class Events
Every year:
· Regional World Class Events
Every year:
· Junior World Championships
· Regional World Class Events
Every year:
· World Masters Championships
4. Development of new forms of events/disciplines
Orienteering events need to become more attractive to spectators and media.
The visibility and the excitement have to be increased. Action, excitement
and atmosphere are required ingredients in making orienteering events more
spectator/media friendly and, in particular, more TV friendly. To achieve
this, new events and new forms of competitions have to be developed, at the
same time as the fundamental spirit of orienteering is maintained.
We shall focus on four basic forms of races:
- Sprint
- Short
- Classic
- Relay
Maximum attention shall be paid to the public and media in the organisation
of all forms of races. This means e.g. selecting event centres closer to
where people are, adapting course setting so that runners can be seen more
often (start/finish at the centre, passing the centre one or more times),
adapting start intervals and competition form (chase start, mass start,
knock-out heats), and having maximum atmosphere at the centre (quality
installations, speaker service, media service etc). These events shall
become our shop window and be marketed towards TV, other media and the public.
We shall have an open attitude towards changing our traditional form of
5. Programme composition
Based on the above principles, Council will develop a detailed proposal for
the World Championships and other World events. Council will consult
federations, athletes, organisers etc.
6. Preparation of a detailed programme
On the basis of the decisions made by the XX Congress, the IOF Council
intends to initiate detailed planning for the different disciplines,
presenting a first suggested programme for IOF Elite Events at the
Presidents' Conference in Finland in August 2001.
The Leibnitz Convention:
Event quality improvement was the main theme of the Presidents' Conference
held in conjunction with the World Orienteering Championships in 1999. At
the seminar held on the day preceding the XX IOF General Assembly, this
topic was discussed more in detail under the heading "Event quality
improvement and orienteering on TV and Internet".
Fast, exciting, compact - those were the three key elements emphasised by
Björn Persson, Sweden, who gave an appreciated introduction to the theme.
The introduction was followed by a lively discussion and the delegates
agreed to gather around a statement, "The Leibnitz Convention", expressing
their expectation that the measures included in this document shall be
considered by all future organisers of IOF events. The Convention was
unanimously adopted by the 41 member federations attending the General Assembly.
"WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE IOF, attending the 20th IOF General Assembly in
Leibnitz, Austria, on the 4 August 2000, hereby declare that
It is of decisive importance to raise the profile of the sport to further
the spread of orienteering to more people and new areas, and to get
orienteering into the Olympic Games. The main vehicles to achieve this are:
· to organise attractive and exciting orienteering events which are of high
quality for competitors, officials, media, spectators, sponsors, and
external partners
· to make IOF events attractive for TV and Internet
We shall aim to:
· increase the visibility of our sport by organising our events closer to
where people are
· make our event centres more attractive by giving increased attention to
the design and quality of installations
· improve the event centre atmosphere, and the excitement, by having both
start and finish at the centre
· increase television and other media coverage by ensuring that our events
provide more and better opportunities for producing thrilling sports programmes
· improve media service by better catering for the needs of media
representatives (in terms of communication facilities, access to runners at
start/finish and in the forest, continuous intermediate time information,
food and beverages, etc)
· pay more attention to promoting our sponsors and external partners in
connection with our IOF events
We, the Members of the IOF, expect that these measures shall be considered
by all future organisers of IOF events."
The General Assembly established the criteria for a World Championship in
Trail Orienteering. The approved criteria are in line with the IPC
(International Paralympic Committee) criteria for being eligible for
inclusion in the Paralympic Games.
It was decided that a WOC in Trail Orienteering is introduced when the
discipline is recognised and administrated by at least 10 national
federations being members of the IOF, and officially recognised national
championships are held on a regular basis, at least every 4th year, in a
minimum of seven countries.
- The goal of the IOF is to have orienteering included in the Olympic Games
and other multi-sport games. To achieve this, we need to spread the sport to
more people in more countries. During the past ten years the number of IOF
member countries has grown significantly. Since 1990, the number has
increased from 32 to 58. This statement was made by the IOF President Sue
Harvey at the official opening of the XX IOF Congress and General Assembly.
At the General Assembly held on Friday 4 August, the delegates ratified
Council's decision to approve membership applications from eight countries.
The former associate member Brazil was now admitted to full membership, and
Uruguay, Venezuela, Greece, Jamaica, Colombia, D.P.R. Korea and Pakistan
were finally granted associate membership. All of these membership
applications had been provisionally approved by the IOF Council.
The objective is to increase the number of members to 64 by the end of the
year 2000.
The Delegates participating in the 20th IOF General Assembly elected one new
member, namely Shin Murakoshi (JPN), to the IOF Council.
Sue Harvey was re-elected President of the IOF. At its meeting held the day
after the General Assembly Council nominated Åke Jacobson Senior Vice
President and agreed to continue with the new management model, i.e. the
Senior Vice President will act as chairman of Council.
The composition of Council during the next two years 2000-2002 is as follows:
President: Sue Harvey, Great Britain
Senior Vice-President: Åke Jacobson, Sweden
Vice President: Hugh Cameron, Australia
Vice President: Edmond Szechenyi, France
Members: Thomas Brogli, Switzerland; Higino Esteves, Portugal; Jan-Erik
Krusberg, Finland; Iordanka Melnikliyska, Bulgaria, and Shin Murakoshi
(new), Japan."